Stay up-to-date on all things related to the Northwest Storm bantam girls hockey team.
Breanna Brown earned a shutout and led the Northwest Storm to a 6 - 0
Morgan Church and Gabrielle Erickson each posted two goals; Danielle
Jean and Jillian Langtry notched singles as part of total team effort.
Assisting these goals were Alexis Reid (3), Jillian Langtry (2), Kristen
Bartlett (2), Erin McColm (1), Jessie Schedlosky (1), Danielle Jean (1),
Claire Paquette (1), and Hali Romas (1).
Game Three against the Oakville Hornets (also undefeated in round robin
play) takes place Saturday at 2:30 EST.
Go Storm!!!
Bob McColm
Off to Montana's for some "fuel".
The team had a light skate this afternoon and we're off to the rink for
a full practice tonight at 7:00.
Stay tuned...
From: Judy McColm [mailto:jmccolm@shaw.ca]
Sent: April-04-09 7:46 AM
To: brad bartlett; bob mccolm; marshall erickson; jessie schedlosky; barry wilcox; yvonne romas; yvonne romas; debbie jean; tana langtry; mel langtry; kathy bartlett; kathy bartlett; brad church; judy mccolm; bryan brown; bryan brown; margaret saville; sally sipos; bill reid; cindy schedlosky
Subject: Provincial Schedule
Here we go....
The Provincial Schedule and game times are now posted on the OWHA website www.OWHA.on.ca
NORTHWEST STORM is in Pool D and our competition is: Brampton Canadettes, Clarington Flames, Oakville Hornets
Game times: Friday 12:30 NWS vs Clarington, Friday 7:45 NWS vs Brampton Saturday 2:30 NWS vs Oakville
We have ended up with some pretty good game times
Team 1 and 2 in Pool D will play their fourth game Saturday evening
Gold medal game is on Sunday at 1:30
"Scouting Report":
Checking the team web sites (go to Links on the OWHA website), only the Oakville Hornets have posted some details about their season...and it is pretty impressive...several tournament wins...but they didn't come up against the NWS !! In the Regional Playdowns they played against 3 teams in 4 games and had 3W, 0L, 1T, 12GF, 0GA...pretty strong stats.
Clarington: Three teams in their Regional Playdown with Clarington achieving: 2W, 1L, 1T, 10GF, 5GA. I saw them play against Whitby in March, and truly believe NWS can prevail
Brampton: no other teams in their division, so like NWS they got a bye to the Provincials. Nothing on their website to indicate how their season went
I see there are 4 teams that did not have playdowns: Brampton, Barrie, Sudbury and NWS, so we are not the only team to advance to the Provincials without regional playdowns
See everyone later this afternoon.
From: Erickson [mailto:mkerickson@shaw.ca]
Sent: April-02-09 1:05 PM
To: 'bill reid'; 'yromas@sympatico.ca'; 'administration@tbaytel.net'; 'tlangtry@cmhaff.ca'; 'sally.sipos@domtar.com'; 'mtlangtry16@shaw.ca'; 'Margaret Saville'; 'kathy.bartlett@kpdsb.on.ca'; 'bartletts@shaw.ca'; 'jmccolm@shaw.ca'; 'jgirl_cutie_evil@hotmail.com'; 'djean6@shaw.ca'; 'cschedlosky@sympatico.ca'; 'administrator@visitmachin.com'; 'blbrown@drytel.net'; 'bmbmbchurch@shaw.ca'; 'brad.bartlett@kpdsb.on.ca'; 'Bob (MNR) Mccolm'; 'brwilcox@kmts.ca'
Subject: Stay up-to-date on all things related to the Northwest Storm bantam girls hockey team...
Hi folks:
I’ve set up a blog for the Northwest Storm Bantam Girls and will do my best to keep it up-to-date with team e-mails…if you misplaced any of them, just go to the blog and they should be there. We’ve used this system for other teams and it works very well.
Players and parents can go on and add comments they want to share with the team. For those that aren’t familiar with how to do that, go to any existing post and click on “comment”.
We’re not sure what system the Provincial tournament uses for posting results on the web. If they don’t have a good system in place, I’ll work to get our team results posted on our own site so that parents who aren’t able to attend the tournament can still follow the action.
You can access the Northwest Storm Blog at: http://www.northweststorm.blogspot.com/
If there’s any content you want posted, please feel free to do send it to me.
Best regards,